Sunday, November 8, 2015

Comics Character Profile (C.C.P.): An Introduction

  Introduction to the C.C.P.

As a new, and hopefully recurring, feature on this blog, I've decided to write a Sociological Geek centered profile on some of my favorite comic book characters. Using Sociological analysis, I will be giving background, social and historical context,  and overall reverence for each character I profile. Hopefully, given my expertise, I can bring some insight or perception on a character that hasn't been taken before or been neglected. Essentially, I hope to provide a novel analysis that will pique interest and stimulate critical dialogue.

  This new feature will have several; components:
1) The Basics: Where I discuss the basic history, knowledge, skills and attributes of the character.
2) Historical Context: Where I discuss the relevant historical climate that informs the character.
3) Social Analysis:Where I discuss the social importance of the character in their Universe
4) Badass Moments: This is pretty self explanatory.
5) Required Reading: A list of the seminal stories for the character
6) Personal Corner: Here I get a bit more subjective where I reveal the reasons for my love (bordering on obsession) the the character within my own biography.


This new feature is designed to satisfy my increasing unquenchable obsession with comics and comic book characters. Thus, as a form of catharsis, these profiles will allow me a form of release from these all consuming thoughts. However, even though this process is personally therapeutic, I hope to provide a worth while analysis that will add something to the overall conversation that has yet to be previously stated.

Enjoy. :)